[vtkusers] VtkSphereWidget unable to handle the right or left click...

Adeline Joliet adeline_joli at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 4 06:29:51 EST 2010

Hi vtk users,

I need some help with the vtkSphereWidget. I managed to use it but now I need to detect when the Left Button is released (or pressed whatever)
SO i did something like that: 

 sphereCallback = vtkSphereCallback::New();

  sphereCallback->m_myClass= this;

  m_lineWidget->GetSphereSource ()->AddObserver(vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent,sphereCallback);

where vtkSPhereCallBack is

class vtkSphereCallback : public vtkCommand
        static vtkSphereCallback *New()
           return new vtkSphereCallback;
      virtual void Execute(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long, void*)

   MyClass  * m_myClass;

But It doesn't work... the callback is not called when I release the the left button on the sphere... BUT if if put vtkCommand::InteractionEvent
instead of vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent in this case it works .. ! the callback is called... but now it will be called for everything.. but still not for the mouse click unclick...
Even if I put " if (vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent) {} " in the Execute function...

Does someone has any Idea why ?,



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