[vtkusers] passing invalid Bounds through vtkAssignAttribute

Rodrigo Valiña Gutiérrez rodrigo.valina at usc.es
Tue Jun 1 13:37:01 EDT 2010


I have a configuration where an UnstructuredGrid goes through an
vtkAssignAttibute like this:

    u = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()
    src = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm()
    a = vtk.vtkAssignAttribute()

later I have an vtkOutlineFilter and vtkCubeAxesActor to display the
outline of the object.

When I fed an empty Unstructured Grid, the OutlineFilter and
vtkCubeAxesActor receives (1,-1,1,-1,1,-1), giving a box with no
scale. That is OK

When I fed a regular Unstructured Grid, the OulineFilter displays the
correct box. That is OK.

But when I later fed an empty Unstructured Grid, the AssignAttribute
object keeps reporting the Bounds of the last object, does not reset
to (1,-1,1,-1,1,-1), so I see an outline with no sense.

Any idea ? can the AssignAttribute object accept the empty range a second time?


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