[vtkusers] iterating through vtkImageStencilData

David Gobbi david.gobbi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 19:34:53 EDT 2010

Hi Prathamesh,

You can use the following method of vtkImageStencilData to do the iteration:

  int vtkImageStencilData::GetNextExtent(int &r1, int &r2, int xMin,
            int xMax, int yIdx, int zIdx, int &iter);

The documentation describes what each of the parameters is for.  I
started work on a proper iterator for vtkImageStencilData many, many
years ago but never found time to finish it.


On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Prathamesh Kulkarni
<prathameshmkulkarni at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I want to be able to write vtkImageStencilData to text files in a CSV format
> in order to be analyzed in some other software.
> I could not find a way to iterate through vtkImageStencilData similar to
> vtkImageData.
> One idea is to convert the vtkImageStencilData to vtkImageData and then use
> vtkImageIterator. However, I do not know how to perform this conversion.
> Has anyone tried this before? How?
> Thanks,
> Prathamesh
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