[vtkusers] Linear/Nearest Neighbour interpolation of vtkPointData

Matt Clarkson clarkson at drc.ion.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jul 20 10:07:15 EDT 2010

I agree. 

However, I was asking because the documentation says it should do it, (but I can't work out how), and if it's done in openGL it will be faster than if I do it on the CPU, and also, it should be fewer lines of code, if it has already been implemented. 



----- "Shashwath T.R." <trshash at gmail.com> wrote: 
> Why would you need a special method? Just snap your input point to the image grid, and pick up the value there... 
> Regards, 
> Shash 
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Matt Clarkson < clarkson at drc.ion.ucl.ac.uk > wrote: 

> Hi there, 
> I'm following this example: 
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Images/PickingAPixel 
> However, at the point: 
this - > PointData - > InterpolatePoint ( pd, 0 , cell - > PointIds, weights ) ; 
how would I do NearestNeighbour interpolation? It currently appears to be linear? 
> I have tried looking at the doxygen for vtkDataSetAttributes, and there is some mention of setting the interpolation but I don't understand what I'm meant to set on what. Please can any one help me? 
> Many thanks in advance 
> Matt 

> Matt Clarkson Ph.D. 
> Senior Research Associate 
> m.clarkson at ucl.ac.uk 
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