[vtkusers] vtkDataArray: Memory allocation problem

Malsoaz James jmalsoaz at yahoo.fr
Tue Jan 26 10:59:09 EST 2010


First of all, I would like to expose the context of my problem. I'm working on an application which is in charge of loading/building a 3D volume from Dicom files. The building of the 3D volume is working perfectly using a vtkIntArray and setScalars(). 

Unfortunately, later in the software, I need to rebuild a new 3D volume using one more time vtkIntArray with the same size but I got an error like: vtkIntArray: Unable to allocate X elements of size 4. Although I have enough memory (I have 3Go of RAM), I'm doing exactly the same thing as the first build and the charge on Windows for the application is always under 1Go. My application is working with small volume (ie 150 slices) and I got this allocation error with big volume (ie more than 300 slices).
For information, the images have a size of 512*512.

Do you know what is the origin of the problem? How can I solve this ?


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