[vtkusers] VTK Example - AreaPicking

Allan James ar.james at qut.edu.au
Mon Jan 25 18:42:39 EST 2010

Hi David,

Just a note to say I have got the VTK/Examples/AreaPicking example working by replacing the following line:

renderWindowInteractor->AddObserver ( vtkCommand::PickEvent, pickCallback );


areaPicker->AddObserver ( vtkCommand::EndPickEvent, pickCallback );

The observer needs to be attached to the picker rather than the interactor.

By the way - thanks for all your efforts building up the examples - this will help out newbies immensely!


Allan James
IT Specialist | Research Support
High Performance Computing and Research Support
Queensland University of Technology
(07) 3138 9264
ar.james at qut.edu.au

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