[vtkusers] Progress reporter for VTK like itkFilterWatcher.h?

lynx.abraxas at freenet.de lynx.abraxas at freenet.de
Fri Jan 15 15:39:09 EST 2010

On 15/01/10 15:25:21, David Doria wrote:
> I just tried this and came up with this:
> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/ProgressReport
> The progress seems to go from 0 directly to 1 though, I don't know how
> to set the progress step - anyone know how to do this? / is this how
> you are supposed to get the progress?

Sorry, I forgot to attach the itkFilterWatcher.h with my first mail.  Here  it
is. Though I can't figure out at the moment where I got it from...

-------------- next part --------------

  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile: itkFilterWatcher.h,v $
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date: 2007-01-29 14:42:11 $
  Version:   $Revision: 1.15 $

  Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef _itkFilterWatcher_h
#define _itkFilterWatcher_h

#include "itkCommand.h"
#include "itkProcessObject.h"
#include <time.h>
// The following class is a convenience  to watch the progress of a filter

class FilterWatcher
  FilterWatcher(itk::ProcessObject* o, const char *comment="")
    m_Start = 0; m_End = 0; m_Process = o; m_Steps = 0; m_Comment = comment;
    m_TestAbort = false;
#if defined(_COMPILER_VERSION) && (_COMPILER_VERSION == 730)
    m_Quiet = true;
    m_Quiet = false;
    itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::Pointer startFilterCommand;
    itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::Pointer endFilterCommand;
    itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::Pointer progressFilterCommand;
    itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::Pointer iterationFilterCommand;
    itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::Pointer abortFilterCommand;
    startFilterCommand =    itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::New();
    endFilterCommand =      itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::New();
    progressFilterCommand = itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::New();
    iterationFilterCommand = itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::New();
    abortFilterCommand = itk::SimpleMemberCommand<FilterWatcher>::New();

    m_Process->AddObserver(itk::StartEvent(), startFilterCommand);
    m_Process->AddObserver(itk::EndEvent(), endFilterCommand);
    m_Process->AddObserver(itk::ProgressEvent(), progressFilterCommand);
    m_Process->AddObserver(itk::IterationEvent(), iterationFilterCommand);
    m_Process->AddObserver(itk::AbortEvent(), abortFilterCommand);

  virtual ~FilterWatcher() {}

  virtual void ShowProgress()
    if (!m_Quiet)
      std::cout << " | " << m_Process->GetProgress() << std::flush;
      if ((m_Steps % 10) == 0)
        std::cout << std::endl;
    if (m_TestAbort)
      if (m_Process->GetProgress() > .03)
  virtual void ShowAbort()
    std::cout << std::endl << "      ABORT" << std::endl << std::flush;
  virtual void ShowIteration()
    std::cout << " # " << std::flush;
  virtual void StartFilter()
    m_Steps = 0;
    m_Iterations = 0;
    m_Start = ::clock();
    std::cout << "-------- Start " << m_Process->GetNameOfClass()
              << " \"" << m_Comment << "\" "
              << m_Process
              << (m_Quiet ? "Progress Quiet " : "Progress ")
              << std::flush;
  const char *GetNameOfClass () {return m_Process->GetNameOfClass();}
  virtual void EndFilter()
    m_End = ::clock();
    std::cout << std::endl << "Filter took "
              << static_cast<double>(m_End - m_Start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC
              << " seconds.";
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl
              << "-------- End " << m_Process->GetNameOfClass()
              << " \"" << m_Comment << "\" "
              << m_Process << std::flush;
    if (m_Steps < 1)
      itkExceptionMacro ("Filter does not have progress.");
  void QuietOn() {m_Quiet = true;};
  void QuietOff() {m_Quiet = false;};
  void TestAbortOn() {m_TestAbort = true;};
  void TestAbortOff() {m_TestAbort = false;};
  clock_t m_Start;
  clock_t m_End;
  int m_Steps;
  int m_Iterations;
  bool m_Quiet;
  bool m_TestAbort;
  std::string m_Comment;
  itk::ProcessObject::Pointer m_Process;
  FilterWatcher(); // Purposely not implemented


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