[vtkusers] Partitioning Data

Terry Jordan Terry.Jordan at NETL.DOE.GOV
Tue Jan 12 09:34:13 EST 2010

I began looking through the documentation again for this issue.  From the samples I am able to conceptualize the distributed data filter implementation.  But my question remains, is there a more simplistic way to partition data (mesh included) into 4 pieces without the use of MPI or the distributed data filter.  Or possible a way to use the distributed data filter without MPI?

>>> "Berk Geveci" <berk.geveci at kitware.com> 12/29/2009 4:51 PM >>>
Oooooooo. Normally, you shouldn't have to run with MPI. Since you are
setting the start and the end piece on the writer, the writer should
stream 4 pieces. However, the distributed data filter is a parallel
filter that can't stream so yes, you will have to run with MPI if you
want to use the distributed data filter.


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Terry Jordan <Terry.Jordan at netl.doe.gov> wrote:
> No it creates 1 pvtu and 4 vtus but each vtu is approximately if not exactly
> the same size and contains the entire mesh.  To be clear I am not running
> this with MPI.  Do I have to?  And that is pretty much my entire pipeline.
> How does the distributed data filter know how to break up the mesh?  Am I
> missing a call?
>>>> "Berk Geveci" <berk.geveci at kitware.com> 12/29/2009 1:03 PM >>>
> That should work (in theory). It is not?
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Terry Jordan <Terry.Jordan at netl.doe.gov>
> wrote:
>> I am trying this:
>>    vtkDistributedDataFilter *dataFilter = vtkDistributedDataFilter::New();
>>    dataFilter->SetInput(filteredGrid);
>>    dataFilter->SetBoundaryMode( 0 );
>>    vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter *writer =
>> vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
>>    writer->SetInput( dataFilter );
>>       writer->SetFileName(vtkFilename);
>>    writer->SetNumberOfPieces( 4 );
>>    writer->SetStartPiece(0);
>>    writer->SetEndPiece(3);
>>       writer->Write();
>> Do I have to use MPI?
>>>>> "Berk Geveci" <berk.geveci at kitware.com> 12/29/2009 12:55 PM >>>
>> Inserting a distributed data filter between the reader and the writer
>> should theoretically work. Of course, you can easily run a ParaView
>> (pvbatch) script with 4 processes to do the same thing.
>> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Terry Jordan <Terry.Jordan at netl.doe.gov>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, I want to break the mesh down.  I want to partition the entire data
>>> set
>>> into 4 chunks.  Does anyone have a link to sample code?  I tried to use
>>> the
>>> distributed data filter, but was unsuccessful in its implementation.  I
>>> assume the file format would still be a pvtu and 4 vtus.
>>>>>> "Berk Geveci" <berk.geveci at kitware.com> 12/28/2009 10:18 PM >>>
>>> or the distributed data filter in VTK.
>>> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Dominik Szczerba <dominik at itis.ethz.ch>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> I don't think this is intended to partition your mesh, or at least I
>>>> would be highly (if positively) surprised.
>>>> Do you not mean to partition a mesh for e.g. domain decomposition
>>>> purposes or other parallel applications? Then metis or chaco is what you
>>>> need here.
>>>> Dominik
>>>> Terry Jordan wrote:
>>>>> I am trying to partition a unstructured grid into 4 evenly sized
>>>>> pieces.  Currently I am doing the following:
>>>>> vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter *writer =
>>>>> vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
>>>>> writer->SetInput( filteredGrid );
>>>>> writer->SetFileName(vtkFilename);
>>>>> writer->SetNumberOfPieces( 4 );
>>>>> writer->SetStartPiece(0);
>>>>> writer->SetEndPiece(3);
>>>>> writer->Write();
>>>>> filteredGrid is a vtkUnstructuredGrid
>>>>> The result of this code is 4 copies of the data (1 pvtu and 4 vtu).
>>>>> Each is identical to the original data.  What am I missing?  I am
>>>>> running this code on a single cpu without the use of MPI.  Do I have to
>>>>> use MPI?
>>>>> Thanks in advance.
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