[vtkusers] Why these leaks reported/happens?

Alex Malyushytskyy alexmalvtk at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 07:04:05 EST 2010

I am using VTK on Windows XP 64 bit, compiled with msvc2005 (SP1) and Qt4.6

I have mostly every instance of  vtkObject I create reported as a leak.

For example

a) If following function  is called twice I  get  2 instance of
vtkSTLReader reported leaking.

vtkPolyData* ubAbstractStructurePresentation::createPolyDataFromStlFile(
const QString& fileName )
	vtkPolyData* poly = NULL;
	Q_ASSERT( !fileName.isEmpty() );

	if( ! fileName.isEmpty() )
		vtkSmartPointer<vtkSTLReader> sr = vtkSmartPointer<vtkSTLReader>::New();
		QByteArray byteArray = QFile::encodeName ( fileName );
		sr->SetFileName( byteArray.data() );

        vtkSmartPointer<vtkGeometryFilter> filter = createGeometryFilter();
		filter->SetInputConnection( 0, sr->GetOutputPort( 0 ) );

		// make poly forget about the way it was created and release all the
		poly = filter->GetOutput();


	return poly;

I expected that sr will destroy associated vtkSTLReader as son it goes
out of scope, are my expectation wrong?

b)  The instance of the my widget has  a smart pointer to
vtkEventQtSlotConnect as a member .
Even though I checked that my widget is destroyed and it seems that my
code is pretty simple, vtkEventQtSlotConnect is stil reported as a

// declaration of the class member in header file:
	vtkSmartPointer<vtkEventQtSlotConnect> Connections;

// only function touching Connections

void model3dView::initVtkConnections()
  Connections = vtkEventQtSlotConnect::New();

  // connect window enter event to radio button slot

  Connections->Connect( this->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(),
             vtkCommand::EndPickEvent, this, SLOT(  onEndPickEvent() ));

  Connections->Connect( this->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(),
             vtkCommand::StartEvent, this, SLOT(  onStartPickEvent() ));

             InteractionModeSetStartEvent, this, SLOT(
onInteractionModeChangedByInteractor() ));


c)  Am I doing something wrong? Can debug leak option be used with
smart pointers?

Thanks in advance,

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