[vtkusers] vtkMarchingCubes - How to use it to build a 3D volume from a CT Dicom series ?

Malsoaz James jmalsoaz at yahoo.fr
Tue Feb 16 08:56:59 EST 2010

Hi all,

I would like to build and display a 3D volume from a CT Dicom series. I have found a solution through vtkMarchingCubes but I'm quite lost in the use of this class and I would like to optimize this solution to get better result.

First of all, I have been able to build a 3D volume using a vtkImageData representing all the slices in my series. Then, I have extracted the volume of interest using ITK and as a result, I have a vtkImageData with only the ROI (it represents a single object). I have also the boundaries of this objects on each slice.
>From there, how could I use vtkMarchingCubes to build a 3D volume?
My first thought has been to use only the boundaries of my object by building a vtkImageData with only this information on it. The result is not bad but I haven't enough point/surface on the volume.
Then, I have thought to build a binary volume with only the object (object = 1, other voxel = 0). The result is better but still not perfect.
The last thing I have been trying, is to build a volume from the raw information by keeping only the voxel where the object is (ie object = raw pixel value, other voxel = 0).

Which solution is the best to your mind? 
How to parameterize vtkMarchingCubes to have the best result ?

Indeed, I'm not sure to understand the option of it:
1 - what does SetValue(int contourNumber, double value) ? This give the value "value" when vtkMarchingCubes find the contour number contourNumber ?
2 - what does exactly GenerateValues(int numberOfContours, double valueBegin, valueEnd) ?

In fact, I guess I don't really get the notion of several contours ?

I hope that I have been clear enough in my explaination.
By the way, if you know some other methods (other than vtkMarchingCubes) to do such thing, please let me know.

Thank you for your help

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