[vtkusers] vtkClipPolyData with vtkBox doesn't work

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 11:00:52 EST 2010

The vtkPlane has infinite extent

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Eric E. Monson <emonson at cs.duke.edu> wrote:

> Hey Adeline,
> Yes, it looks like you're running into the same sort of problem as with
> vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry -- since none of your points or cells are
> completely inside or outside the box, you are either clipping none of them,
> or clipping all of them. If you move the box widget over so it overlaps one
> of the ends of the box you want clipped, you'll see that it removes or
> leaves that end of the box, depending on whether Inside Out is checked or
> not. (I'll attach a screen shot of this.)
> ParaView uses a slight variant of vtkClipDataSet for the clip filter, but
> from the documentation it sounds like it it should do what you want. The
> Plane, as you said, seems to do what it's supposed to and cuts cells that
> intersect the plane, but the Box and Sphere don't seem to cut the underlying
> geometry.
> It's got to be something about how cutting with a single plane will
> guarantee straight edges on the clipped geometry, so when cells are clipped
> they can be split right at the plane boundary, but when you have something
> like a box or sphere, individual cells might get split into quite
> complicated shapes where the surfaces intersect...
> Hopefully someone else will know more of the details of why using a box or
> sphere as the implicit function for clipping give results like this, whereas
> a plane cuts nicely.
> Sorry such a seemingly simple operation is giving you so much trouble.
> -Eric
> On Feb 1, 2010, at 7:41 AM, Adeline Joliet wrote:
> Hello again,
> sorry for not having replied for such a long time...
> So i used Paraview to reproduce my "simpel" pipeline..
> Generate a Box
> Apply the Clipping
> And.. it doesn't work.. I have attached 2 screenshot, before and after the
> apply. We can see the clipping box, but when I click on Apply
> Nothing is clipped.. the cube just change a bit his color..
> Howerver if I use "plane" as a clipping function.. it works...
> Regards,
> Adeline
> ------------------------------
> From: frederic.danesi at dinccs.com
> To: adeline_joli at hotmail.com; emonson at cs.duke.edu
> CC: vtkusers at vtk.org
> Subject: RE: [vtkusers] vtkClipPolyData with vtkBox doesn't work
> Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 11:01:24 +0100
> … it’s not cutting …
> Your polydata (output of a cube source) is rendered as a set of cells (quad
> or triangle for example). Extracting does not cut … it remove some cells :
> if a cell is overlapping your section plane, it will not cut the cell … it
> will consider the cell as outside your selection …
> However, if the problem remains while using vtkClipPolyData, then there is
> another problem somewhere …
> Hopefully, paraview will help you figure that out.
> Fred.
> Cordialement,
> F.Danesi
> --
> Responsable Développement Informatique et Travail Collaboratif
> Centre Technique DINCCS (Centre Technique Dédié à l’Ingénierie Numérique,
> la Conception Collaborative et la Simulation)
> Pôle de Haute Technologie, BP 90005
> 08005 Charleville-Mézières Cedex
> Tel. : +33 (0) / +33 (0)
> Email : frederic.danesi at dinccs.com
> Web : www.afmicado.com / www.dinccs.com
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> *De :* Adeline Joliet [mailto:adeline_joli at hotmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* lundi 18 janvier 2010 10:56
> *À :* frederic.danesi at dinccs.com; emonson at cs.duke.edu
> *Cc :* vtkusers at vtk.org
> *Objet :* RE: [vtkusers] vtkClipPolyData with vtkBox doesn't work
> Hello frederic,
> yes I know the subject is about vtkClipPolyData but meanwhile I found the
> vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry.
> "vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry extracts from its input  all cells that are
> either completely inside or outside of a specified implicit function.
> "
> that's exactly what I would like to do (it's a kind of cutting no ?) anyway
> the problem it's the same either withvtkExtractPolyDataGeometry or
> vtkClipPolyData
> not also that in the code I initialized vtkCubeSource * rectangle =
> vtkCubeSource::New(); instead of simpleCube...
> And thank you for the tip ! I didn't know that, I will try right now.
> Regards,
> Adeline
> ------------------------------
> From: frederic.danesi at dinccs.com
> To: adeline_joli at hotmail.com; emonson at cs.duke.edu
> CC: vtkusers at vtk.org
> Subject: RE: [vtkusers] vtkClipPolyData with vtkBox doesn't work
> Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:35:54 +0100
> Hi,
> The subject is about vtkClipPolyData, but in your code you are using
> vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry as a clipper …
> This filter does not cut anything ! vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry extracts
> from its input  all cells that are either completely inside or outside of a
> specified implicit function.
> All you have to do here is change your filter …
> Just a quick tip : when I am stuck like this on common filters, I usually
> try my pipeline by building it manually into Paraview. You can directly see
> the results or change the filter parameters (such as the bounds, the
> implicit function you’re using, …).
> HTH,
> Fred.
> Cordialement,
> F.Danesi
> --
> Responsable Développement Informatique et Travail Collaboratif
> Centre Technique DINCCS (Centre Technique Dédié à l’Ingénierie Numérique,
> la Conception Collaborative et la Simulation)
> Pôle de Haute Technologie, BP 90005
> 08005 Charleville-Mézières Cedex
> Tel. : +33 (0) / +33 (0)
> Email : frederic.danesi at dinccs.com
> Web : www.afmicado.com / www.dinccs.com
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> *De :* vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org [mailto:vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org] *De la
> part de* Adeline Joliet
> *Envoyé :* vendredi 15 janvier 2010 16:42
> *À :* emonson at cs.duke.edu
> *Cc :* vtkusers at vtk.org
> *Objet :* Re: [vtkusers] vtkClipPolyData with vtkBox doesn't work
> Hello,
> Ok, here a simple code
> // this is the futur cuted polydata..
>  vtkCubeSource * rectangle = vtkCubeSource::New();
> simpleCube->SetCenter(0,0,0);
> simpleCube->SetXLength(150);
> simpleCube->SetYLength(40);
> simpleCube->SetZLength(100);
> vtkBox * boxFunc = vtkBox::New();
>  // a 20x20x20 box.
> // I displayed a vtkCubeSource with the same bounds and it clearly
> intersect with the rectangle...
>  double testBounds[6];
>  testBounds[0] = -10.0;
>  testBounds[1] = 10.0;
>  testBounds[2] = -10.0;
>  testBounds[3] = 10.0;
>  testBounds[4] = -10;
>  testBounds[5] = 10.0;
>  boxFunc->SetBounds(testBounds);
>  vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry * clipper3 = vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry::New();
>  clipper3->SetInput(simpleCube);
>  clipper3->SetImplicitFunction(boxFunc);
>  clipper3->ExtractInsideOn();
>  clipper3->Update();
> // Rendering stuff...
>  vtkPolyDataMapper *map2 = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
>  map2->SetInput(clipper2->GetOutput());
>  vtkActor* act2 = vtkActor::New();
>  act2->SetMapper(map2);
>  act2->SetProperty( this->CubeProperty);
>  this->CurrentRenderer->AddActor(act2);
> And renctangle is not displated.... if I se tExtractInsideOff rectangle is
> displayed
> but not cuted...
> Regards,
> Adeline
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtkClipPolyData with vtkBox doesn't work
> From: emonson at cs.duke.edu
> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 10:10:00 -0500
> CC: vtkusers at vtk.org
> To: adeline_joli at hotmail.com
> Hello Adeline,
> (Please reply to the whole list so others can help if they have ideas,
> too.)
> Okay, if setting the bounds manually doesn't work, maybe you can post a
> more complete code sample and someone will be able to play with it or spot
> the problem.
> Good luck,
> -Eric
> On Jan 15, 2010, at 5:00 AM, Adeline Joliet wrote:
> Hello Eric,
> Thank's for the answer.
> "So, are you seeing nothing when you render your scene?"
> Actually no, nothing appends my Polydata is not "cuted" it's exactly the
> same size
> Then I tried InsideOutOn() and now nothing is dislplayed.
> I don't know where I can be wrong.. I will try again to set the bounds
> manually, but not sure that's the problem..
> Regards,
> Adeline
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtkClipPolyData with vtkBox doesn't work
> From: emonson at cs.duke.edu
> Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:28:52 -0500
> CC: vtkusers at vtk.org
> To: adeline_joli at hotmail.com
> Hello Adeline,
> So, are you seeing nothing when you render your scene? One thing to be
> careful of when using a box for your clip function is which direction the
> default normals of the box faces point -- this defines whether the clip
> leaves the inside intact or cuts out the inside of the box. Maybe this isn't
> the problem you're having, but you could try setting
> clipper->InsideOutOn();
> and see if anything shows up.
> Otherwise, there are examples of clipping with the vtkBoxWidget and it's
> GetPlanes method in {vtksource}/Widgets/Testing/Cxx/BoxWidget.cxx and
> {vtksource}/Examples/GUI/Python/BoxWidget.py in case those could help you
> track down the problem or approach it in another way.
> Talk to you later,
> -Eric
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Eric E Monson
> Duke Visualization Technology Group
> On Jan 14, 2010, at 12:29 PM, Adeline Joliet wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to cut un polydata using vtkClipPolyData with a vtkBox as
> implicit function.
> my Polydata is simply a rectangle (x = 100, y = 50, z= 20). I'd like to cut
> this rectangle to obtain
> only the part of the middle.. (so i'd like to cut to a right side AND a
> left side...)
> here is the code
>  vtkBox * cuting = vtkBox::New();
>   double boundy[6];
>   //m_image is a vtkImageData that represent a cube (my rectangle polydata
> interect this cube, so the bounds should be correct...)
>   m_image->GetBounds(boundy);
>   cuting->SetBounds(boundy);
> vtkClipPolyData * clipper = vtkClipPolyData::New();
> clipper->SetInput(newPolyData);
> clipper->SetClipFunction(cuting);
> // and then I display clipper->GetOutput...
> the thing is that i tried with vtkPlane and it works... but the problem is
> that i need if a use
> vtkPlane I can cut only One side....
> any help would be appreciated,
> Than's
> Adeline
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>  <beforeclip.jpg><afterclip.jpg>
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