[vtkusers] time in vtk format files

Olindo Zanotti olindo.zanotti at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 09:17:59 EDT 2010

I am new to vtk. I am writing data files in vtk format 
for visualization with visit.

I would like to display the time of each frame of the movie, but I
do not know how the time variable has to be specified in the vtk file.
Does any body have suggestions?

The typical structure I am using is

E_IO=VTK_INI(output_format='BINARY',filename =
E_IO=VTK_GEO( Nz*npe/in,Ny,Nx,part,Pos0(1:part),Pos1(1:part),Pos2(1:part))
E_IO=VTK_DAT(NC_NN = part, var_location= 'node')
E_IO=VTK_VAR(NC_NN = part,varname='Enrad',var=enr(1:part))


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