[vtkusers] Where's my Reslice?
jothybasu at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 13:27:32 EDT 2010
Hi Scott,
You don't need to use the transform for displaying the sagittal and
coronal views. Just set SetSliceOrientationToYZ &
SetSliceOrientationToXZ and set slice.
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Scott Johnson
<Scott.Johnson at neuwave.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I’m trying to display image planes in a vtkImageViewer2 without much luck.
> My current pipeline looks like:
> vtkTransform
> |
> V
> vtkDICOMImageReader->vtkImageReslice->vtkImageViewer2
> If I try to display an Axial slice, it works fine, if I try to display
> sagittal or coronal slices I don’t see the images. If I insert a
> vtkImageChangeInformation object after the vtkDICOMImageReader, I can see
> the sagittal and coronal images as well as the axial. This causes a problem
> because I am trying to coordinate other displays with the resliced result.
> I need to see the images without using the vtkImageChangeInformation object.
> I’ve tried to explicitly set the bounds on the vtkImageActor managed by the
> vtkImageViewer2, with no luck. I’ve also tried to place the vtkCamera to
> point at the center of the plane along the direction of the normal. Didn’t
> work either.
> There may be a fundamental misunderstanding on my part as to how
> vtkImageReslice works. I am assuming that the resulting resliced volume
> would be displayed the same as an axial image, so I am leaving the
> vtkImageViewer2->SetSliceOrientationXY() and moving between slices with the
> SetSlice method.
> The eventual goal is to reslice the image volume at oblique angles, but I
> figure I’m on the right track if I can get the sagittal and coronal images
> to display correctly.
> I’m concerned that vtkImageViewer2 is doing something for me that I don’t
> want it to do. Do I need to manage my own vtkImageActor?
> A code snippet for the Coronal images follows:
> (input is the vtkDICOMImageReader)
> _transform = vtkTransform::New();
> _transform->RotateZ(0.0);
> _transform->RotateX(90.0);
> _transform->RotateY(0.0);
> _reslice = vtkImageReslice::New();
> _reslice->SetOutputDimensionality(3);
> _reslice->SetResliceTransform(_transform);
> _reslice->SetInputConnection(input);
> _reslice->Update();
> inputData=vtkImageData::SafeDownCast(_reslice->GetInput());
> inputData->GetCenter(center);
> _transform->Translate(center[0], center[1], center[2]);
> _interactor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
> _imageViewer = vtkImageViewer2::New();
> _imageViewer->SetupInteractor(_interactor);
> _imageViewer->SetSize(400, 400);
> _imageViewer->SetColorWindow(1024);
> _imageViewer->SetColorLevel(800);
> _imageViewer->SetInputConnection(_reslice->GetOutputPort());
> Any ideas appreciated.
> Thanks
> -- Scott
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