[vtkusers] using QT4 and VTK

John Durkin jrd5084 at psu.edu
Wed Sep 30 12:42:37 EDT 2009


I have plenty of questions.  First when you installed QT did you use VS's
nmake?  Also when you create a project with VTK and QT how do you set up
your cmake files?



On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:39 PM, John Drescher <drescherjm at gmail.com>wrote:

> > I've been using VTK for a while now and I want to introduce some QT based
> > GUI in my applications.  I have both VS 2008, and VS 2005 and windows XP
> > 64.  I also use CMAKE to build my VS solutions.  Does anyone know how any
> > good tutorials or tips on getting a good environment setup in VS to use
> QT4,
> > VTK, and CMAKE?
> >
> No but if you have any problems with that I can help. I have been
> using that combination daily for over a year.
> John
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