[vtkusers] Visual C++ forms

Quy Pham Sy phamsyquybk at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 09:23:38 EDT 2009

There are some MFC example in "Examples\GUI"
You also need to build VTK with VTK_USE_MFC = On and BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON.
Check out "Examples\All\" in binary output.

Hope it help,

2009/9/28 Renato Cesar Pompeu <rcpompeu at hotmail.com>

>  Hello all,
> I'm new in VTK. I would like to make some applications using VTK and Visual
> C++ 2008 windows forms.
> Could anyone help me? Are there some installation tutorials with examples?
> Regards,
> Pompeu
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Pham Sy Quy
HCI Lab, Advanced Fusion Technology Department,
Room 1211, New Millennium Building
Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
Mobile: +82-10-9800-8104
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