[vtkusers] VTK in a MultiTouch Environment

Christopher Denter dennda at the-space-station.com
Sat Oct 24 10:05:54 EDT 2009


> I'm not sure if I explained it clearly, let me know if what I said
> makes any sense.

Yes, David, what you say makes perfect sense to me.

I now see two different possibilities for making this work:
a) Somehow find a way to attach the RenderWindow on all platforms AND  
find a way to draw other PyMT widgets (as UI elements) on top of what  
VTK renders, so you can actually have a UI.

b) Write the class you just described.

Ad a): I guess nobody has had a moment of enlightenment, so no  
solution here. Even if we could make it work, it would still not be as  
flexible as option b).

Ad b): You said this would mean spending a lot of time. Can you  
elaborate a bit why you think so? You further said that the class I'd  
have to create would be a "vtkRenderWidget". I'm just not precisely  
sure *where* in the VTK class hierarchy this would fit in (i.e., what  
the base classes are, etc) and *what* the actual job would be. Any  
resources are appreciated.



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