[vtkusers] More than one object in the same window

Jérôme jerome.velut at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 07:21:25 EDT 2009

I think that the interactor acts by default on the *camera* roll, pan, zoom,
... . That's why both cones are moving together. Try to hit 'a' key, so that
you set the interactor to act on the *actor* that you are pointing:


2009/10/2 Zampini Samuele <samuele.zampini at epfl.ch>

> Hi there,
> I have a question for you: I want to add more than one object (let's say I
> wanna add 2 cones) in the same window.
> I can now do that, but when I try to interact with them, I can't. I mean, I
> can move, rotate or zoom the both cone together, but I can not move, rotate
> or zoom only 1 cone.
> Do you have any idea on how to fix this?
> Thanks a lot for help,
> Samuele.
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