[vtkusers] volume from dicom and sphere

Baliki B. balikivtk at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 03:48:09 EST 2009

I thought i could use vtkPolyDataMapper2D. But i don't really know if i'm in
the correct direction.
Any suggestions?

2009/11/26 Baliki B. <balikivtk at gmail.com>

> Hi all again,
> I have a vtkVolume from a dicom series. I have also a sphere somewhere
> inside that volume.
> Is there a way to show the sphere (the outline of the sphere) in 2-D
> dimension in every of three dicom views (axial, coronal, sagittal) as an
> intersection?
> I'd like to achieve something like this:
> http://img524.yfrog.com/i/axialsphere.png/
> Thanks,
> Baliki
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