[vtkusers] Please Help: Quadratic Cells
Davood Ansari
david.ansari at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 11:46:54 EST 2009
Hi all
I used the following example code to see how the quadratic Tetrahedron gets
on the screen.
Surprisingly it is not a curved object but kind of multi linear .
What is wrong with my pipeline ?
int main(int argc, char** argv)
vtkUnstructuredGrid *meshGrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New() ;
VTK_CREATE(vtkPoints, points);
points->InsertNextPoint(0.,0.,0.) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(1.,0.,0.) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(0.,1.,0.) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(0.,0.,1.) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(0.5,0.,0.) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(0.5,0.5,0.) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(0.0,0.5,0.) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(0.,0.,0.5) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(0.65,0.,0.65) ;
points->InsertNextPoint(0.,0.65,0.65) ;
meshGrid->SetPoints(points) ;
vtkIdList* pts = vtkIdList::New();
pts -> InsertId(0,0) ;
pts -> InsertId(1,1) ;
pts -> InsertId(2,2) ;
pts -> InsertId(3,3) ;
pts -> InsertId(4,4) ;
pts -> InsertId(5,5) ;
pts -> InsertId(6,6) ;
pts -> InsertId(7,7) ;
pts -> InsertId(8,8) ;
pts -> InsertId(9,9) ;
meshGrid->InsertNextCell (VTK_QUADRATIC_TETRA, pts) ;
vtkDataSetMapper *meshMapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();
meshMapper -> SetInput(meshGrid);
//meshMapper -> SetRepresentationToWireframe() ;
vtkActor *meshActor = vtkActor::New();
meshActor -> SetMapper(meshMapper);
vtkRenderer *ren = vtkRenderer::New() ;
ren -> SetBackground(0.2,0.2,0.15) ;
ren -> AddActor(meshActor) ;
vtkRenderWindow *renWin = vtkRenderWindow::New() ;
renWin ->AddRenderer(ren) ;
renWin ->SetSize(1024,768) ;
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New() ;
iren -> SetRenderWindow(renWin);
iren -> Initialize();
iren -> Start();
std::cout << std::endl ;
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