[vtkusers] Surface reconstruction

Nour Mestiri nourmestiri at yahoo.fr
Mon Mar 2 08:53:40 EST 2009

Hi all vtk users.
Thank you Elvis for your help. I used the 'Marching Cubes' algorithm and it generated a surface from the volume but it's not the surface i'm looking for.
In fact, i want to extract the 'extern' surface of the volume independently from the 'isovalue' or any other factor. Is it possible?

--- En date de : Sam 28.2.09, Elvis Dowson <elvis.dowson at mac.com> a écrit :

De: Elvis Dowson <elvis.dowson at mac.com>
Objet: Re: [vtkusers] Surface reconstruction
À: nourmestiri at yahoo.fr
Cc: "VTK Users" <vtkusers at vtk.org>
Date: Samedi 28 Février 2009, 20h34

Hi Nouri,
                   You should try the Marching Cubes algorithm samples. This algorithm was invented by Bill Lorensen. It can be used to extract a surface from 2D DICOM images. 

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson

On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:11 PM, Nour Mestiri wrote:

Hi all vtk users.
I have a sequence of 2D images and i want to make the reconstruction of a 3D image.
I know how to make the 'volume' reconstruction but i'm interested by the 'surface' reconstrcuction (generate directly the surface of the 3D image).
Is it possible? If yes, can you tell me what to do?
Thank you so much
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