[vtkusers] vtkQtChart - vtkQtLineChart and XY axis?

shekharc Shekhar.Chandra at sci.monash.edu.au
Thu Jan 29 04:38:17 EST 2009

Hi Paul,

I haven't tried a million points so I don't know. Performance that I do 
know is that it does do several 500+ double points plot (single plot 
multiple lines) instantly.

You can also use VTK in house plotter - vtkXYPlotActor class.

All the best.

Paul Harris wrote:
> Can I ask, how is the performance?
> I will be plotting lines with a million points. And a million 
> point-markers (spites).   And maybe 2 million in a year or two...
> cheers,
> Paul
> 2009/1/28 shekharc <Shekhar.Chandra at sci.monash.edu.au 
> <mailto:Shekhar.Chandra at sci.monash.edu.au>>
>     Hi Paul,
>     I use Qwt library <http://qwt.sourceforge.net/> and its QwtPlot
>     class. It should do what u want.
>     Cheers
>     Shakes
>     Paul Harris wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I am trying to figure out how to draw a chart where the data for
>         a line is made up of x,y coordinates.
>         It seems that vtkQtLineChart can only draw a line series where
>         each value is at a sequential X coordinate.  My data is not at
>         sequential x coordinates (it may skip a bunch).
>         thanks,
>         Paul

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