[vtkusers] vtkAVIWriter problem.

Konstantinos Kelg kkelgeor at yahoo.gr
Sun Jan 18 21:34:24 EST 2009

Hi. I 'm trying to make a 3D animation (loading vertex data from files and rendering them), and I have some problems: I must either make an animated gif (which VTK doesn't seem to support - does it ?) or make an AVI, because the real time animation is too slow. So I started trying the 2nd solution and I have some problems:- At first I got linker errors when I constructed a "vtkAVIWriter" object. I 've finally managed to work this out by importing the needed Windows library (I post it here just in case someone has the same problem again):    #pragma comment(lib,"Vfw32.lib") // that's all- Now I have written this code: vtkWindowToImageFilter *wtif = vtkWindowToImageFilter::New();

 vtkAVIWriter *avi = vtkAVIWriter::New();

 CStringA txt;
 for(int i=0; i<m_cList.GetItemCount(); i++)
 	LoadAndDisplayFrame((LPCTSTR)m_cList.GetItemText(i, 0)); // Load and render vertex data from file
// 		wtif->SetInput(renWin);
// 		avi->SetInputConnection(wtif->GetOutputPort());
// 		avi->Update();

This produes an AVI but it always shows the same animation frame (nothing changes).Does anyone know what should I do to make right ?

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