[vtkusers] is Vtk 5.2.1 64 bit clean?

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Sat Feb 14 23:16:58 EST 2009

There are those issues and possible issues with 32 bit math results  
being placed into a 64 bit value such as the following:

int x, y, z;

int64 total = x * y * z;

on the surface that looks fine, but what happens when x * y * z goes  
beyond the max signed int value? It rolls over and you get all sorts  
of weird errors.

  I found and fixed a few of these last year and others have gone on  
the "64 bit hunt" before but no one really sure just where the rest of  
the bugs are at.

   Thorough testing of your extremely large data sets is well  
warranted. I'm not trying to take anything away from VTK. I think it  
is a wonderful toolkit that has allowed me to help people solve real  
problems. Just a word of caution that if your data sets start getting  
large (into 64 bit territory) be ready to possibly hunt down some bugs  
in the VTK code.

Mike Jackson                 www.bluequartz.net

On Feb 14, 2009, at 8:37 PM, shekharc wrote:

> No, not atm. Perhaps that's why it works for me so far.
> Is it fair to say that 64-bit issues would crop up when say the  
> array lengths are like 2^32 or bigger (because of ints)? Other  
> libraries (like Blitz++) tend to have this issue too I believe.
> Cheers
> Shakes
> Sean McBride wrote:
>> On 2/13/09 12:58 PM, shekharc said:
>>> Works fine on Windows Vista/XP x64 and Linux x64 fine for me so far.
>> Out of curiosity, are you using datasets > 4 GiB?

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