[vtkusers] extending c++ interaction classes and using them with Java
Henrik Westerberg
henrik.westerberg at crg.es
Tue Dec 15 09:07:31 EST 2009
Hi vtkusers,
After some checking on the list I realized that its not possible to sub class a vtk class in Java and use
the class due to the Wrapping.
So I have chosen to extend vtkInteractorTrackballActor.cxx. However I don't know anything about programming
in C++ or changing VTK classes so if someone can eyeball my class and tell me if I missed anything obvious
I would really appreciate it. I have attempted to override UniformScale to only scale in X .
The reason is I am quite often getting a Java VM crash when swapping interactor styles between my extended
Interactor and any of the default VTK ones. The swap is going through: setInteractorStyle in vtkCanvas.
I have included a header file and c++ file.
The java vm crash logs are a bit big so I can send if anyone is interested but there are a couple of bits below
I have pulled out:
Stack: [0x78fcc000,0x7901d000], sp=0x7901b9dc, free space=318k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C 0x761c774b
C [libvtkRendering.so.5.5+0x21f3ea] _ZN39vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActorResizeYD0Ev+0x50
C [libvtkCommon.so.5.5+0x24d778] _ZN13vtkObjectBase18UnRegisterInternalEPS_i+0x7a
C [libvtkCommon.so.5.5+0x24b5d0] _ZN9vtkObject18UnRegisterInternalEP13vtkObjectBasei+0x3a0
C [libvtkCommon.so.5.5+0x24d5ab] _ZN13vtkObjectBase10UnRegisterEPS_+0x27
C [libvtkCommon.so.5.5+0x24d520] _ZN13vtkObjectBase6DeleteEv+0x20
C [libvtkCommonJava.so.5.5.0+0x6c83f] Java_vtk_vtkObjectBase_VTKDelete+0x39
j vtk.vtkObjectBase.VTKDelete()V+0
j vtk.vtkObjectBase.Delete()V+6
j vtk.vtkObjectBase.finalize()V+8
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V [libjvm.so+0x375c9d]
V [libjvm.so+0x5057f8]
V [libjvm.so+0x375b30]
V [libjvm.so+0x39f557]
V [libjvm.so+0x385fea]
C [libjava.so+0xcb9e] Java_java_lang_ref_Finalizer_invokeFinalizeMethod+0x6e
j java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;)V+0
j java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer()V+45
j java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(Ljava/lang/ref/Finalizer;)V+1
j java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V [libjvm.so+0x375c9d]
V [libjvm.so+0x5057f8]
V [libjvm.so+0x3755b0]
V [libjvm.so+0x37563d]
V [libjvm.so+0x3e5ca5]
V [libjvm.so+0x5cde5d]
V [libjvm.so+0x506929]
C [libpthread.so.0+0x549b]
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j vtk.vtkObjectBase.VTKDelete()V+0
j vtk.vtkObjectBase.Delete()V+6
j vtk.vtkObjectBase.finalize()V+8
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Ljava/lang/Object;)V+0
j java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer()V+45
j java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(Ljava/lang/ref/Finalizer;)V+1
j java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
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Desc: vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActorResizeX.h
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