[vtkusers] VTK 5.2 much slower rendering than VTK 4.2

Francois Bertel francois.bertel at kitware.com
Tue Apr 21 23:02:42 EDT 2009


I'm not aware of a special "speed-up" option. For fair comparison,
make sure you perform your benchmark in release mode, not debug mode.

Can you provide a small test that shows the performance regression you
are talking about?

There are so many reasons/contexts for a simple piece of code to
change in performance that we can't help much without
a sample code.

BTW, the latest release is 5.4 not 5.2. Try it first and see if speed is better.

On the top of my head, I think there was a performance regression in
5.0 when rendering many actors but it has been fixed in 5.2.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Andrew Wilford <andrew at artwork.com> wrote:
> I had posted some requests recently about porting an existing VTK 4.2 app to
> VTK 5.2. Having side-stepped the specific issues, I was able to get an image
> rendered. I've noticed though, that VTK 5.2 seems to be much slower at
> rendering scenes than VTK 4.2. Some testing showed times of up to 4 times as
> long to render the same scene.
> This result surprised me. Are there some compile/runtime switches that can
> speed things up? This is for rendering simple polydata solids. If more
> testing shows the same results then the upgrade will have to be abandoned in
> favor of keeping VTK 4.2
> This is on a Windows XP system.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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François Bertel, PhD  | Kitware Inc. Suite 204
1 (518) 371 3971 x113 | 28 Corporate Drive
                      | Clifton Park NY 12065, USA

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