[vtkusers] java: deleting vtk objects

Denis Barbier bouzim at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 04:33:09 EDT 2009

On 2009/4/20 Lars Matthäus wrote:
> Dear all (especially the java wrapping developers),
> how is the current state of releasing memory from VTK objects in Java? I
>  have tried different things, but without success (in the following,
> image is a vtkImageData object, but that's only as an example):
> * image.ReleaseData();
> * image.Delete();
> * image.VTKDelete();
> * nothing (waiting for the Java gc)
> It seems as if some c++ call to release the memory is missing; the
> object is marked as deleted (for example, a call to image.GetSpacing()
> after image.Delete() leads to a crash ...), but as the process explorer
> shows me, no memory is ever released.

JVMs do not always release unused memory pages back to the OS, so
the process explorer may give wrong results.  Put your code inside a loop;
if there are memory leaks, memory usage will grow and your app will crash.


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