[vtkusers] BUG in 5.2

Anka Kochanowska anka at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tue Sep 30 11:19:10 EDT 2008

I cannot find information how to report a bug, I am sorry. Wiki says:
 >>You'll need an email to report a bug. To improve the chance of a bug 
being fixed, do not hesisitate to add as many details as possible, a 
demo sample code + sample data is always a good idea. Providing a patch 
almost guarantees that your patch will be incorporated into VTK. <<
(there is an error in the text also - hesisitate:-)

What e-mail do I need ????

I tested the following code in vtk 5.0 and 5.2. In 5.0 only tip points 
of the axes are visible, in 5.2 the lines are visible.
Is it intentional?

vtkAxes * axesSource = vtkAxes::New();
   axesSource->SetScaleFactor( 150 );
 vtkPolyDataMapper *axesMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
   axesMapper->SetScalarVisibility( 1 );
 vtkActor *axesActor = vtkActor::New();
   axesActor->SetMapper( axesMapper );
 vtkProperty *property = vtkProperty::New();
   property->SetRepresentation( VTK_POINTS );
      axesActor->SetProperty( property );


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