[vtkusers] Help Translate VTK polydata to origin

Arnaldo Luis Lixandrão Filho arnaldo.fisica at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 14:26:53 EDT 2008

I´m need to translate a STL. The code is below.

vtkSTLReader *sr = vtkSTLReader::New();

When i use bounds = sr->GetOutput()->GetBounds(); in some files the bounds
are negative and i want to the bounds have always the same origin (0,0,0).

I appreciate some help...

Best Regards,

Arnaldo Luis Lixandrão Filho
Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer - CTI
Divisão para Desenvolvimento de Produtos - DDP
Rod. SP 65 km 143,6 – Campinas/SP
CEP: 13069-901 - Amarais
Fone: (19) 3746-6231 / Fax: (19) 3746-6204
Site: http://www.cenpra.gov.br/promed
skype/voipraider: arnaldo.fisica
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