[vtkusers] How to use vtkTransform with vtkImagePlaneWidget

Uril Yakubov uyakubov at rotman-baycrest.on.ca
Wed Oct 29 10:46:23 EDT 2008

Hi Dean,

Thank you for help.

I have question. I executed code that you sent me and came to the
conclusion that rotation centered by origin and I need centered at the
center of the image. Using GetWholeExtent of the Image data I got xMin,
xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax. I have for example xMin = 0 xMax = 255
yMin = 0 yMax = 255 zMin = 0 zMax = 57   so I calculated center of the
image 127, 127, 28.

    set pt1 [planeWidgetZ GetPoint1 ]
    set pt2 [planeWidgetZ GetPoint2 ]
    set wo [planeWidgetZ GetOrigin ] 
    set normal [planeWidgetZ GetNormal ]

    set transform [vtkTransform New]
    $transform PostMultiply

    eval $transform Translate -127.0 -127.0 -28.0
    eval $transform RotateX  1  # Rotation around X 
    eval $transform Translate 127.0 127.0 28.0

    set points [vtkPoints New ]
    eval $points InsertNextPoint $pt1
    eval $points InsertNextPoint $pt2
    eval $points InsertNextPoint $wo

    set newpoints [vtkPoints New ]
    eval $transform TransformPoints $points $newpoints

    eval planeWidgetZ SetPoint1 [$newpoints GetPoint 0  ]
    eval planeWidgetZ SetPoint2 [$newpoints GetPoint 1  ]
    eval planeWidgetZ SetOrigin [$newpoints GetPoint 2  ]
    eval planeWidgetZ UpdatePlacement 
    set pt11 [$newpoints GetPoint 0  ]
    set pt12 [$newpoints GetPoint 1  ]
    set pt13 [$newpoints GetPoint 2  ]

Now it is better but still it is not exactly  centered at the center of
the image. Do you now what could be the problem?

Thank you,


On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 08:12 -0400, Dean Inglis wrote:
> Hi Uril,
> If you look at the doxygen documentation for this class,
> you will see that you can recover the center and normal of the plane,
> GetCenter GetNormal, as well as the three points defining a pair of 
> orthonormal axes corresponding to its bottom and left side edges:
> GetOrigin, GetPoint1, GetPoint2.  vtkTransform can be used
> to rotate those points around the plane normal, 
> as long as you know the origin of the image data that it slices
> through:
> vtkImagePlaneWidget widget  
> widget->GetPoint1(pt1);
> widget->GetPoint2(pt2);
> widget->GetOrigin(wo);
> widget->GetNormal(n);
> vtkImageData image
> image->GetOrigin(io);
> vtkTransform transform
> // may have to be transform->PreMultiply() or
> transform->PostMultiply() here … I always forget
> transform->Translate(io);
> transform->RotateWXYZ(angle,n[0], n[1], n[2]);
> transform->Translate(-io[0], -io[1], -io[2]);
> vtkPoints points
> points->InsertNextPoint(pt1);
> points->InsertNextPoint(pt2);
> points->InsertNextPoint(wo);
> vtkPoints newpoints
> transform->TransformPoints(points,newpoints);
> widget->SetPoint1(newpoints->GetPoint(0));
> widget->SetPoint2(newpoints->GetPoint(1));
> widget->SetOrigin(newpoints->GetPoint(2));
> widget->UpdatePlacement();
> Dean

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