[vtkusers] possible inconsistency in vtkDataSetMapper

Dominik Szczerba dominik at itis.ethz.ch
Thu Oct 9 15:29:41 EDT 2008

According to the docs:

"The ScalarVisibility flag controls whether scalar data (if any) controls the 
color of the associated actor(s) that refer to the mapper"

I set my grid actor's color to white:


Now I color my actor to my liking:


and as soon as I no longer want any coloring I do


which behaves correctly, i.e. the mesh is again white.


if I turn on plotting edges and their color was set to black:


The color of my grid is black too as long as EdgeVisibility is on. When off, 
the mesh is white again.

I tried setting edge color to green -> in that case the mesh is green to. So 
something is wrong with the vtkMapper as the actor magically inherits the 
edges color - or am I blind to something obvious? Please comment before I 
file a bug.


Dominik Szczerba, Ph.D.
Computational Physics Group
Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society

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