[vtkusers] Polydata and volume rendering

Jens K. Becker becker at jkbecker.de
Wed Oct 1 08:27:52 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I am currently displaying (3D) polyhedra using SphereSource, TubeFilter and
Polygon. All of this is put into a PolyData and is then displayed using an
Actor. This works well but the rendered polyhedra are of course "hollow". Now I
would like to display them also "solid" (I hope you know what I mean by hollow
and solid) and have no idea how to do that. Searching on the web brought
something about ImplicitModeller to make image data out of the polydata and
something about making a image-stencil (stencil-image?) and use that stencil to
color voxels inside and/or outside the polyhedron. Sounds good. But how?

Any ideas? Or any better/easier/faster solutions? Any help will be greatly

Jens Becker
Dr. J.K. Becker
University of Tuebingen - Institute for Geoscience
Sigwartst. 10 - 72076 Tuebingen (Germany)
Tel.: ++49 7071 29 73139   Fax: +49 7071 5059
web: http://www.jkbecker.de

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