[vtkusers] Crashing while trying to improve peformance

Konstantinos Kelg kkelgeor at yahoo.gr
Sun Nov 30 16:06:34 EST 2008


(I have corrected some things in my previous mail)
I 'm creating a 3D animation, visualizing a 3D surface per frame (the data get loaded from 
files) and I 've tried to improve it's speed. I give you my code below. I 've tried to speed up
the setting of vertex and cell data by using "SetArray" instead of looping through the 
whole array. Setting the vertex data works fine, causing no trouble, but when I try to set the 
cell data I get crashes. The code for setting the vertex and the cell data is quite similar, so
I can't understand why the 1st works while the other fails... :(
I am a beginner in VTK. Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.

The "(int*)TPoints" variable is a pointer to integer data that defines triangles like the 
{3,a1,b1,c1,    3,a2,b2,c2,   3,a3,b3,c3,    ...............}   
 repeated "m_NumOfTriangles" 

#define FAST            // Enable fast vertex data set.
#define FAST_2        // Enable fast cell data set.

    if( !LoadTrianglesFromFile(lpStr,false) ) return;
    vtkPoints *points = vtkPoints::New();
#ifdef FAST
    vtkFloatArray* da = vtkFloatArray::New();
    da->SetArray((float*)VerticesP, m_NumOfVertices*3*sizeof(float), 1);
    for(int k=0;
 k<m_NumOfVertices; k++)
        points->SetPoint(k, VerticesP[k].coords);
    vtkCellArray *cellArray = vtkCellArray::New();
#ifdef FAST_2
    vtkIdTypeArray *ita = vtkIdTypeArray::New();
    ita->SetArray((int*)TPoints, m_NumOfTriangles*4*sizeof(int), 1);
     cellArray->SetCells(m_NumOfTriangles, ita);
    for(int k=0; k<m_NumOfTriangles; k++)
        cellArray->InsertNextCell(3, TPoints[k].corners);


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