[vtkusers] How to transfer

Denis Barbier bouzim at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 16:14:35 EST 2008

On 2008/11/16 xx_zx wrote:
> Hi, Denis. Thanks a lot! I took your suggestion and it works!:-D
> However, I still have some troubles.
> Some structures do not have closed surface. For example, in one of my
> dataset, heart is reconstructed more like a bowl than a closed ellipsoid.

Well, I did not play yet with surface reconstruction, so I do not know how to
fix these problems; you can try different values for SetNeighborhoodSize
and SetSampleSpacing to see if results can be improved.

> But the volume calculated by GetVolume() in vtkMassProperties does have
> value and seems right. In this case, is the volume calculated by GetVolume()
> reliable?

That is strange, did you call vtkReverseSense as in the example?

> Some reconstructed surfaces are not smooth and have holes and irregular
> serrated border. Is there any method to smooth surface and remove holes to
> get a better result?

You can try vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFiler and vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter
for smoothing, and vtkFillHolesFilter for filling holes.


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