[vtkusers] Problem getting correct results with vtkProjectedTerrainPath

Elvis Dowson elvis.dowson at mac.com
Tue Nov 11 00:42:18 EST 2008

Hi Amy,
                   I'm getting the following error:

Object named: probe, could not find requested method: SetInputConnection
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

Object named: probe, could not find requested method: SetInputConnection
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

     while executing
"probe SetInputConnection 0 elevationData"
     (file "/Users/elvis/Project/C4I/Source/tcl/LewistownPA/ 
TestSurfaceTopographyWithProjectedPath.tcl" line 174)

for the modified code:

vtkPolyData terrainPaths
   terrainPaths SetPoints pts
   terrainPaths SetLines lines

# Use a probe filter to obtain elevation data from the reconstructed  
vtkImageData elevationData
   elevationData SetDimensions $XmaxR $YmaxR $ZmaxR

vtkProbeFilter probe
   probe SetInputConnection 0 elevationData
   probe SetSourceConnection [surface GetOutputPort]

vtkProjectedTerrainPath projectedPaths
   projectedPaths SetInput terrainPaths
   projectedPaths SetInputConnection 1 [probe GetOutput]
   projectedPaths SetHeightOffset 25
   projectedPaths SetHeightTolerance 5
   projectedPaths SetProjectionModeToNonOccluded
   projectedPaths SetProjectionModeToHug

Are you sure I'm setting it up correctly? I have an empty vtkImageData  
object. In the books they use a polygonal as the input for the probe,  
so I'm not clear as how to go about using vtkImageData as a probe.

The vtkProbeFilter::SetSourceConnection is wired to the output of  
vtkWrapScalar. I guess the vtkWrapScalar at this stage contains the  
modified scalar data, so it just needs to be copied to the vtkImageData.

Please help!

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson

On Nov 11, 2008, at 12:19 AM, Amy Squillacote wrote:

> Hi Elvis,
> The code you wrote looks right to me. I don't know if this will make  
> any difference, but have you tried using vtkAlgorithm's  
> SetInputConnection method (that takes two parameters) instead of  
> SetInput / SetSource in both the vtkProbeFilter and  
> vtkProjectedTerrainPath? SetInput should be replaced by  
> SetInputConnection 0..., and SetSource by SetInputConnection 1...
> - Amy
> Elvis Dowson wrote:
>> Hi Amy,
>>                Is this the correct way to do it? I'm getting an  
>> interpreter error for  
>> vtkProjectTerrainPath::SetSource(vtkImageData* )
>> vtkPolyData terrainPaths
>>  terrainPaths SetPoints pts
>>  terrainPaths SetLines lines
>> # Use a probe filter to obtain elevation data from the  
>> reconstructed surface
>> vtkImageData elevationData
>>  elevationData SetDimensions $XmaxR $YmaxR $ZmaxR
>> vtkProbeFilter probe   probe SetInput  [surface GetOutput]
>>  probe SetSource elevationData
>> vtkProjectedTerrainPath projectedPaths
>>  projectedPaths SetInput terrainPaths
>>  projectedPaths SetSource [probe GetOutput]
>> Best regards,
>> Elvis Dowson
>> On Nov 10, 2008, at 10:21 PM, Elvis Dowson wrote:
>>> Hi Amy,
>>>                 Could you please help me out by giving me a code  
>>> fragment on how to achieve this? I have created an outline below.
>>> I've created a vtkImageData and set it's dimensions by reading the  
>>> max extent of the original DEM file. I hope that is correct. Now  
>>> vtkProjectedPath::SetSource(vtkImageData* ) expects a  
>>> vtkImageData*, and I don't know how to pass the vtkImageData  
>>> object called elevationData to this method. I have highlighted it  
>>> in red below.
>>> I have put the wrap scalar code fragment below. Could you please  
>>> help me with a code fragment to extract the vtkImageData from the  
>>> wrap scalar output?
>>> # Create a reader to read the unstructured grid data.
>>> vtkDataSetReader reader
>>>    reader SetFileName "SampleDEM.vtk"
>>> # Get the physical xy extent of dataset
>>> scan [[reader GetOutput] GetWholeExtent] "%d %d %d %d %d %d" XminR  
>>> XmaxR YminR YmaxR ZminR ZmaxR
>>> ..
>>> # Now warp the surface based on the scalar elevation values
>>> # This creates the 3D mesh model of the terrain.
>>> vtkWarpScalar surface
>>>  surface SetInput [geom GetOutput]
>>>  surface SetScaleFactor 0.1; # $scale variable controls vertical  
>>> exaggeration
>>> ....
>>> # Use a probe filter to obtain elevation data from the  
>>> reconstructed surface
>>> vtkImageData elevationData
>>>  elevationData SetDimensions $XmaxR $YmaxR $ZmaxR
>>> #vtkProbeFilter
>>> vtkProjectedTerrainPath projectedPaths
>>>  projectedPaths SetInput terrainPaths
>>>  projectedPaths SetSource [elevationData]
>>>  projectedPaths SetHeightOffset 25
>>>  projectedPaths SetHeightTolerance 5
>>>  projectedPaths SetProjectionModeToNonOccluded
>>>  projectedPaths SetProjectionModeToHug
>>> Best regards,
>>> Elvis Dowson
> -- 
> Amy Squillacote                    Phone: (256) 726-4839
> Computer Scientist                 Fax: (256) 726-4806
> CFD Research Corporation           Web: http://www.cfdrc.com
> 215 Wynn Drive, Suite 501
> Huntsville, AL  35805

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