[vtkusers] Problem connecting vtkImageData with vtImageWrapPad in VTK 5.0

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Tue May 27 17:01:53 EDT 2008

What do you mean by "different result"? Some images may help.

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Merchan, Alejandro
<Alejandro.Merchan at sulzer.com> wrote:
> Hi vtkusers
> I'm updating a vtk-application from version 4.2 to 5.0 and I'm having some
> problems connecting  an instance of vtkImageData with an instance of
> vtkImageWrapPad in VTK 5.0.  VTK 5.0 does accept my vtkImageData as Input
> and does not complain about it, anyhow it produces a different result than
> VTK 4.2. I could not load the whole Example because it was bigger than 100
> KB.
> After Reading a VTK-file (with Dataset Format structured points)  I extract
> a Volume of Interest with extractPlane (an instance of vtkExtractVOI) and
> set some scalars of it to an instance of vtkImageData. (I used
> SetInputConnection and GetOutputPort for VTK 5.0)
> vtkStructuredPointsReader reader
> reader SetFileName "/data/home/vm/Documents/extractedConcentration.vtk"
> reader UpdateWholeExtent
> vtkExtractVOI extractPlane
>   #extractPlane DebugOn
>   extractPlane SetInput [reader GetOutput]
>   extractPlane SetVOI 0 201 0 201 1 1
>   extractPlane UpdateWholeExtent
> vtkImageData imagePlane
> imagePlane SetDimensions 200 200 1
> [imagePlane GetPointData] SetScalars [[[extractPlane GetOutput] GetCellData]
> GetScalars]
>  Till this point everything works fine and both VTK 4.2 and 5.0 produce the
> same results. The problem appears in the next step when passing imagePlane
> as input to an instance of vtkImageWrapPad.
>  vtkImageWrapPad imageWrap
>   imageWrap SetInput imagePlane
>   #imageWrap SetOutputWholeExtent 0 [expr $power2x - 1] 0 [expr $power2y -
> 1] 0 0
>   imageWrap UpdateWholeExtent
> Since imagePlane as an instance of vtkImageData does not have an output or
> outputport directly I try to pass it to imageWrap using the SetInput method
> just like it worked on our program with VTK 4.2 . VTK 5.0 actually accepts
> this and does not complain about it, however it produces a different result
> than VTK 4.2 does. Since I saw on the examples of VTK that imageWrap should
> be actually used with SetInputConnection and GetOuputPort I tried passing
> imagePlane to other graphic Filters bevor passing it to vtkImageWrapPad (
> For example here VTK 4 syntax )
> vtkImageMagnify mag
>  mag SetInput ImagePlane
>  mag SetMagnificationFactors 1 1 1
>  mag UpdateWholeExtent
> vtkImageWrapPad imageWrap
>   imageWrap SetInput [mag GetOutput]
>   #imageWrap SetOutputWholeExtent 0 [expr $power2x - 1] 0 [expr $power2y -
> 1] 0 0
>   imageWrap UpdateWholeExtent
> But it also only worked as expected on VTK 4.2.  The only solution that
> actually kind of worked was writing imagePlane (vtkImageData) in a temporary
> file with vtkStructuredPointsWriter and passing the Output of a
> vtkStructuredPointsReader (which reads the file produced by
> vtkStructuredPointsWriter) to vtkImageWrapPad. It worked in such a way,
> that  the right image is shown well in the render Window, but it changes the
> behaviour of my programm, so that other function which are based on the
> Output of vtkImageWrapPad are not working anymore (neither on vtk 4.2 nor in
> 5.0).
> Has anybody of you had such kind of problems?. Isn't it possible anymore to
> connect a vtkImageData with vtkImageWrapPad directly so that it just works
> the way it did in VTK 4.2?
> Thanks for any help!
> Alejandro
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