[vtkusers] Hybrid Rendering

mark.jefferson mark.jefferson at 163.com
Thu Mar 27 05:22:58 EDT 2008

Hi, vtk users,
    I began to learn VTK several months ago. and I want to make the CT images visualized, and as we know, VTK is a good choice to do this. 
    and I have implemented the surface rendering(MarchingCubes) and volume rendering(Raycasting) with the CT iamges. but I want to do hybrid rendering with the CT images now.
    because I know there is a method, named hybrid rendering that could render the surface with the volume rendering methods, I want to ask if there is a similar class in VTK that has used this principle? maybe it is vtkHybridRendering? or is there any good books or information about it that could get online? 
    any suggestion would be appreciated!
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