[vtkusers] VTK rendering on MacBook : bug

Frederic Huguet Frederic.Huguet at inrialpes.fr
Thu Mar 13 11:32:34 EDT 2008


I use a C++ code on XCode 3.1 running on Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.2, on a  
MacBook with GMA 950 gpu.

I use the last VTK version. I want to make 3D visualization of mesh,  
so I use a 3D delaunay triangulation over multiresolution mesh. At the  
lowest resolution, I have about 10 000 3D points. And when i run the  
code, the rendering window stay white and the code doesn't answer  
anymore. I would to know if VTK runs correctly on a GMA 950 with this  
kind of data, and if it is the case, which options i should have use  
to build VTK on Leopard.



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