[vtkusers] subclass of vtkSphereSource

Tim Soper tim_d_soper at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 3 16:55:30 EST 2008

What is the correct way to subclass a pre-existing vtkPolyDataAlgorithm such as vtkSphereSource?

I am trying to create a sphere with a couple extra lines added.  To save myself the time and space of rewriting all the vtkSphereSource interfaces, I tried to rewrite in the following way:


class vtkSphereWithLinesSource : public vtkSphereSource

int vtkSphereWithLinesSource::RequestData(
  vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
  vtkInformationVector **vtkNotUsed(inputVector),
  vtkInformationVector *outputVector)

    //call the vtkSphereSource request data first
    vtkSphereSource::RequestData( NULL, NULL, outputVector );

    // get the info object
    vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);

    // get the ouptut
    vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(

  //Make some extra lines
  vtkCellArray* newLines = vtkCellArray::New();

                now how do I add the lines to the output of the 
                vtkSphereSource::RequestData output???

                  I tried to use vtkAppendPolyData... did not work for me?


Tim Soper

Research Assistant
University of Washington
Department of Bioengineering 
Box 352142

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