[vtkusers] clip surface, fill hole

Alexandre GOUAILLARD Alexandre_Gouaillard at hms.harvard.edu
Wed Jun 4 20:58:08 EDT 2008

Hi bryn,

Long time ago, we developped a class to do that. It's quite simple, but
still it's creating a triangulated patch for any "hole" on the surface.
Code is not optimized, comments are in french, but it should still work.
Give it a try.

Supposely, you should contact CREATIS lab. (www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr) to be
able to use it, but I don't foresee any problem. I copy my contact there for
you to catch up with him, if you want.


On 6/4/08 8:33 PM, "Bill Lorensen" <bill.lorensen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Bryn,
> Look at
> VTK/Graphics/Testing/Tcl/capCow.tcl
> an oldie but goodie,
> Bill
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Bryn Lloyd <blloyd at vision.ee.ethz.ch> wrote:
>> Bryn Lloyd wrote:
>>> Dear users,
>>> I would like to clip a triangle surface, e.g. using a plane. Is there a
>>> filter that will fill the resulting hole with triangles? I.e. the resulting
>>> surface mesh should remain closed.
>>> I could not find one. Does anybody have any hints/suggestions?
>>> What about using the vtkCutter, doing Delaunay2D on the output (if there
>>> is only one connected curve/line) and merging the patch with the clipped
>>>  surface?
>> Well, that obviously only works if the curve around the hole is convex . In
>> my example it is not, so I need a better solution.
>> Another assumption behind the proposed algorithm is that vtkCutter and
>> vtkClipPolyData deliver the same cut interface (edges and points). Not sure
>> if that is true.
>> --Bryn
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