[vtkusers] Turning Auto Rescaling Off on vtkActor2D

Sarah Macumber S.Macumber at QuestReliability.com
Wed Jul 30 13:36:44 EDT 2008

Hi Gerrick, Thanks for your help.
I am on 5.2 using the ActiViz .NET wrappers.  I can interact just fine with the vtkScalarBarWidget but even though the vtkScalarBar is set appropriatly the Widget resizes itself.  If I call EnableOff()  then the scalarBar is the correct size but as soon as I call EnableOn( ) it resizes to be a square in the bottom right corner.  As far as I know it is not a bug on Mantis.


From: Gerrick Bivins [mailto:gbivins at objectreservoir.com]
Sent: Wed 7/30/2008 12:15 PM
To: Sarah Macumber; VTK-users
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Turning Auto Rescaling Off on vtkActor2D

Interesting...What version of VTK are you using?

Can you interact with the widget at all?

I'm on cvs(vtk 5.3) using java wrappers. I quickly added the scalarbarwidget
to the my existing code, and it behaved as expected. It comes up correctly
sized and I can resize, drag etc.
sbw = new vtkScalarBarWidget();


On 7/30/08 10:13 AM, "Sarah Macumber" <S.Macumber at QuestReliability.com>

> Hi Gerrick,
> The issue was "relative to the window" .  SetWidth and SetHeight set the
> position as a fraction of the viewport
> and not as an absolute size so that when the window resizes so does the scalar
> bar.  Ideally I would just like
> to set a minimum size so that the scalar bar never becomes illegible but that
> doesn't seem possible.
> Currently I am trying to use the ScalarBarWidget to give the user control over
> resizing it when it becomes too
> small.  The problem with that is that when I use the Widget I loose control
> over setting its width, height and position
> and it begins as a square in the bottom right corner no matter that the
> ScalarBarActor attached to the Widget is set
> correctly.
> Thanks Gerrick,
> Sarah
> ________________________________
> From: vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org on behalf of Gerrick Bivins
> Sent: Wed 7/30/2008 9:05 AM
> To: vtkusers at vtk.org
> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Turning Auto Rescaling Off on vtkActor2D
> Hi Sarah,
> How is your vtkScalarBarActor set up? At what point does it become
> unreadable? Can you provide a screen cap of the problem. I'm using
> vtkScalarBarActor w/o issues when resizing my window.
> Here is my setup:
>         scalarbar = new vtkScalarBarActor();
>         scalarbar.SetOrientationToHorizontal();
> scalarbar.GetPositionCoordinate().SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedViewport();
>         scalarbar.GetPositionCoordinate().SetValue(.2,.05);
>         scalarbar.SetWidth( 0.7 );
>         scalarbar.SetHeight( 0.1 );
>         scalarbar.SetPosition( 0.1, 0.01 );
>         scalarbar.SetLabelFormat("%-#6.3f");
>         scalarbar.GetTitleTextProperty().SetFontFamilyToArial();
>         scalarbar.GetTitleTextProperty().SetFontSize( 12 );
>         scalarbar.GetLabelTextProperty().SetFontFamilyToArial();
>         scalarbar.GetLabelTextProperty().SetFontSize(10);
>         scalarbar.GetLabelTextProperty().SetJustificationToCentered();
> This keeps it placed at the bottom of my window with all of it's properties
> (width,height,position) relative to the window.
> Gerrick
> Sarah Macumber wrote:
>> Is there any way to turn off the auto rescaling of the vtkActor2D which
>> happens when the window changes sizes? Specifically I am trying to keep a
>> vtkScalarBarActor from becoming illegible.  It would be nice if I could
>> set a minimum size & font but a fixed size would do as well.  I looked at
>> the code for a vtkActor2D and I am not sure how one would turn the auto
>> scaling off.
>> Thanks Sarah
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