[vtkusers] Apply a transform to an image

P B chose29 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 24 16:58:56 EDT 2008

   I am new to vtk and struggling with conversions of images. I need to transform a volume (MRI dataset) using the thin plate spline algorithm. 
The volume is read from vtkDICOMImageReader and I have access to a vtkImageData structure. I want to apply the transformation with vtkTransformPolyDataFilter, unfortunatly, I get a message specifying I need to give a PolyData structure instead of an image. Does anyone have a solution? Is there a conversion available in vtk? or I am using the transforms in a wrong way?
Thanks in advance for your help!
here is the code, if it might be usefull to understand my problem:
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter *f11 = vtkTransformPolyDataFilter::New ();
vtkGeneralTransform *t1 = vtkGeneralTransform::New ();
t1->SetInput (TPSTransfo); // TPSTransfo is of type vtkThinPlateSplineTransform
// reading a dicom series
vtkDICOMImageReader *Reader = vtkDICOMImageReader::New();
const char * Name = Reader->GetPatientName();
SoDebugError::post( __FILE__, "Patient name is : %s", Name );

f11->SetInput ((vtkDataObject*)Reader->GetOutput()); // <- error comes from here. "GetOutput" gives a structure of type vtkImageData 
f11->SetTransform (t1);
f11->Update ();

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