[vtkusers] error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class vtkCamera * __thiscall vtkRenderer::GetActiveCamera(void)"

Carl Trapani carl at skytopsoftware.com
Wed Jul 23 14:11:39 EDT 2008

Hm ... starting from scratch with source and CMake, I get the following 
CMake warning after I hit Ok button:

CMake Warning (dev) at Graphics/Testing/Cxx/CMakeLists.txt:27 
  Policy CMP0003 should be set before this line.  Add code such as

    if(COMMAND cmake_policy)
      cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW)
    endif(COMMAND cmake_policy)

  as early as possible but after the most recent call to
  cmake_minimum_required or cmake_policy(VERSION).  This warning appears
  because target "GraphicsCxxTests" links to some libraries for which the
  linker must search:

    opengl32, vfw32

  and other libraries with known full path:


  CMake is adding directories in the second list to the linker search 
path in
  case they are needed to find libraries from the first list (for backwards
  compatibility with CMake 2.4).  Set policy CMP0003 to OLD or NEW to enable
  or disable this behavior explicitly.  Run "cmake --help-policy 
CMP0003" for
  more information.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

(Press  Cancel to suppress any further messages.)
OK   Cancel  

Seems like this may be relevant to my problem? Can anyone shed any light 
on the consequences of this warning to my linker problems? Maybe there 
is none.

Carl Trapani

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