[vtkusers] vtkObjReader doesn't support obj. files

Iryna Pavlyshak iryna at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jan 30 17:48:33 EST 2008

Hello all, 

I use vtkObjReader for opening and rendering the .obj file, which represents set of Vertices and Polygons. My code can open without problems 3DMax  obj.,  Poser obj. and so on. But when opening wanted obj. file, which is represented as:
# File Generated By Veridian write_wave v 1.1
# 145711 Vertices, 283595 Polygons

mtllib csr0125a.mtl

g csr0125a.obj vertices
v 626.4 -62.8 -1000.0 1 1 3
v 627.0 -59.0 -1000.0 1 1 3
v 72.6 41.9 626.0 12 5 1
g csr0125a.obj faces
usemtl m1
f 9//9 10//10 198//198
f 199//199 198//198 10//10
f 145703//145703 145704//145704 145708//145708

the following massage appears:
Unhanded exception at ..:Access violation reading location...
So the problem is with the pointer...and as it follows with normals.

The file is not impossible for opening. I tried others software and they open this obj. file.
Maybe somebody has already been faced with similar problem..
There is a possibility that somebody rewritten vtkObjReader. It would be great.

waiting for any tips, 

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