[vtkusers] vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter

Adam Gibson agibson at medphys.ucl.ac.uk
Thu Jan 24 11:21:20 EST 2008


I have used a VTK program for some time which warps a dense cloud of 
points taken from a 2D surface to fit a sparse cloud of points scattered 
near to the surface, and connects the surface, and saves the 2D surface 
mesh as a stl.

This has worked OK for a few years now, but I've recently changed 
versions from 4 (compiled locally) to 5 (installed using yum under 
Fedora), and it seems to have broken. The size of the warped surface is 
much smaller than it should be (it's roughly, but not quite 0 to 10 mm 
in x, y and z).

My program's below. The points are read in correctly (according to the 
puts $x command) but the saved stl file is wrong. I've trawled the 
mailing lists but not found anything relevant. I've even tried rewriting 
the program in python, without success.

Can anybody help please?

Thank you in advance

Adam Gibson (Dept Medical Physics, UCL)

package require vtk

vtkProgrammableSource pointSource
     pointSource SetExecuteMethod readPoints
proc readPoints {} {
global VTK_DATA
     set output [pointSource GetPolyDataOutput]
     vtkPoints points
     $output SetPoints points

     set file [open "stl.txt" r]
     while { [gets $file line] != -1 } {
          scan $line "%f %f %f"  x y z
puts $x
          points InsertNextPoint $x $y $z
    points Delete;

vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter surf
    surf SetInput [pointSource GetPolyDataOutput]

vtkMarchingCubes cf
     cf SetInput [surf GetOutput]
     cf SetValue 0 0.0

vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter connect
   connect SetInput [cf GetOutput]
   connect SetExtractionModeToLargestRegion

vtkSTLWriter writerstl
   writerstl SetFileName test.stl
   writerstl SetInput [connect GetOutput]
   writerstl Write

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