[vtkusers] vtkCollisionDetectionFilter , help

Samuel Marcos godofredoiii at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 05:47:53 EST 2008

Hi vtkusers,

I'm working with vtkCollisionDetectionFilter but I am not able to figure out
the meaning of its output. I've used it with two planes (created by hand and
triangulated using Delaunay)  that intersect in some cells (see figure
attached). I then use vtkRemoveCellsFilter to remove intersected cells from
one of the Polydatas and it works fine (see second attached figure). What I
can't actually understand are the filter outputs.

Figures: http://www.upload-images.net/imagen/0c8f548e19.jpg

As you can see in the figures, cells are numbered according to their order
in the Polys array. If I get the DataArrays that contain the contacting
cells of the two filter outputs I get:

Output(0) contacting cells: 5 5 1 6 6 3 5 1 1 6 6 3
Output(1) contacting cells: 2 0 0 2 0 0 7 7 4 7 4 4

My question is about those arrays. For what I've read, they represent the
relation between cells that collide in the two inputs. But as You see in the
figure, cell 6  of the first Polydata doesn't collide with cell 2 of the
second Polydata at all. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.
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