[vtkusers] Delete vtkObjects

Andreas Brüning mail-andi at web.de
Thu Aug 14 08:41:08 EDT 2008


yes it is me again and i still have questions about deleting vtkobjects :) 
Regarding to my post from Aug/12:


i still have problems to delete vtkobjects in my program and it is not only the thread issue. To encapsulate the whole vtk stuff i created it in a single class. I created some vtk objects in the constructor and call the Delete() method in the destructor for testing. Than i created one of these class and delete  it while i checked the private bytes history on Sysinternals ProcessExplorer(which is by the way a great tool). I also enabled VTK_DEGUG_LEAKS. 
I thought when i delete the class the whole vtk stuff is gone but it is not. i can see no memory reduction in the process explorer and the DebugLeaks MessageBox tells me that always the objects remains. When i create a vtkPolyDataMapper there are even more. If i create more of my vtkClasses there are no changes in the memory but the debugleaks MessageBox report that all the vtkObjects remain in memory. 

I really have no idea where is the mistake. I did the same procedure with the vtkExamples and there everything is fine and the memory always cleans up. I compared the project properies and they are the same.   

Here is the code of my very short vtkClass:

#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "ImageVolumeData.h"

#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;

#define new DEBUG_NEW

	vtk_importer = vtkImageImport::New();  //global Variables defined in the header
	vtkflipper = vtkImageFlip::New();

	//debugger = vtkDebugLeaks::New();
	ren = vtkRenderer::New();




I hope someone can give me an advice, i am running out of ideas

Thanks in advance 
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