[vtkusers] Calling a custom function when terminating vtkRenderWindowInteractor

Phil Goddard philgoddard at telus.net
Sat Aug 9 02:21:42 EDT 2008

I'm wondering if someone can explain to me how to call my own custom
function when q or e is pressed on a vtkRenderWindowInteractor.

The doc for vtkRenderWindowInteractor::TerminateApp says
"This function is called on 'q','e' keypress if exitmethod is not specified
and should be overridden by platform dependent subclasses to provide a
termination procedure if one is required."

However there is no mention (that I can see) of how to specify an

>From searching old mailing-list messages it seems that there used to be a
SetExitMethod method that took a pointer to a function in earlier versions,
but it doesn't seem to exist any more.

Can anyone shed some light on how I might go about this?

I tried safedowncasting my interactor to a vtkWin32renderWindowInteractor
and using its SetClassExitMethod however that seemed to have no effect.


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