[vtkusers] rendering glitches

Danny Holstein dgholstein at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 18 10:41:22 EDT 2007


In my first attempt at graphics with VTK I came up with rendering glitches as seen on the attached graphics file.  I've also included a compilable code snippet that generates the attached glitches.

I'm running Suse 10.1 x86_64 on a dual-core Turion 64 and using the ATI Xserver, version 8.34.

When I use the static array declaration, "vtkActor *meanderActor[15];" instead of the dynamic, "vtkActor * *meanderActor= new vtkActor *[15];", it works without glitches.

The question is obvious, why am I getting these glitches, is it my code, is it a bug in VTK, or a problem with my hardware?  If someone were to test the code on a 32 bit machine with non-ATI graphics, it would be very helpful.

BTW:  I get no run time faults.

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