[vtkusers] again DICOM, how to read the data?

mauro maiorca mauromaiorca at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 02:29:26 EDT 2007

On 9/11/07, Peter F Bradshaw <pfb at exadios.com> wrote:

> What are you trying to do here? You have assigned tmpImage to a
> vtkImageSource object and straight away you throw that away. I can
> predict that the tmpImage->Delete() below will give you a seg fault.

actually I'm not getting the meaning of your comment!
this is just a piece of code for testing, I cannot understand why you
can predict the segmentation fault. Do you mean that I should put
tmpImage->Delete() before of reader->Delete()? it gives segmentation
fault anyway!
How do you can predict that behaviour? I mean: I create an object, and
afterwards I delete it, what's wrong with it?


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