[vtkusers] What's the version of OpenGL supported in VTK5.0 so far?

Francois Bertel francois.bertel at kitware.com
Wed Oct 10 00:12:20 EDT 2007


First let me clarify some terms:

* a software component using OpenGL (like VTK) *requires* some minimal
version of OpenGL and some minimal set of OpenGL extensions at
runtime. At compile time, it *requires* an OpenGL header file (gl.h)
compatible with some minimal version of the OpenGL API.

* an OpenGL implementation (software  (like Mesa) or hardware
(combination of a graphic card and its driver) ) *supports* some
OpenGL versions and a set of extensions.

With that said, let me express your question the other way around and
in two sub-questions:

1. What is the minimal OpenGL version of the API required to compile VTK5.0?

The GL.h file provided by your compiler/system/SDK has to define at
least the OpenGL 1.1 API. (Note: the functions and macros defined in
higher OpenGL API versions or in other OpenGL extensions are provided
by glext.h, glxext.h and wglext.h. Those 3 files are official files
taken from opengl.org and already part of the VTK source tree).

2. What is the minimal OpenGL version required by VTK5.0 at runtime?

All the VTK classes require an OpenGL implementation (software or
hardware) >=1.1 except for vtkVolumeTextureMapper3D.

If you want to use vtkVolumeTextureMapper3D, the following extensions
or OpenGL versions are required (at runtime):

* extension GL_EXT_texture3D or OpenGL>=1.2
* extension GL_ARB_multitexture or OpenGL>=1.3
and either:
* extensions GL_ARB_fragment_program and GL_ARB_vertex_program
* extensions GL_NV_texture_shader2 and GL_NV_register_combiners and


On 10/9/07, tuo zhang <zhangtuo123 at yahoo.com.cn> wrote:
> Hi!
> What's the version of OpenGL supported in VTK5.0 so
> far?
> Thanks!
>                            Jedi  07/10/10
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François Bertel, PhD  | Kitware Inc. Suite 204
1 (518) 371 3971 x113 | 28 Corporate Drive
                      | Clifton Park NY 12065, USA

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